Saturday, August 27, 2011


This was a fun set up with all the tunnels!  The dogs could really get some speed going!  Both dogs ran the black course, Gidget ran the red course. 

Black course: I stood at the middle of the tunnel, a few feet away from it and sent the girls to the entrance then ran the other way to set up for a front cross before tunnel 2.  Gidget was hyped up for her turn, so my little opposite hand/name call cue wasn't enough and she kept going to the next tunnel.  Saying her name earlier may have helped.  Once I had her back, she was happy to do the familiar chute.  Then a front cross after the weaves.  I also did a front cross after the teeter.  With Gracie, I was able to lead out a bit so that I was better lined up before releasing her, I just had to make sure I was driving to jump 8 and actually said "jump."  With Gidget I ran a couple steps forward before crossing to get the right set up for 8-9.  10 to the end was just plain fun.  A few of my classmates had trouble getting their dogs into 12 and not running past it.  I was ahead of my dogs and I think I did a bit of a left shoulder dip to help indicate the tunnel. 

Red Course:  I did the exact same thing for the start of this course as I did the last course and it worked just fine.  Others started and kept their dogs on their left and skipped the cross all together, but I liked the cross.  I rear crossed 6 which meant I needed to call Gidget's name while she was in the tunnel so she'd know which side I was on when she came out.  I tried rear crossing 10, but it didn't work because I wasn't behind Gidget at that point.  So instead once I sent Gidget into 8 I ran to the exit side of 9 to get in position for a front cross.  8 and 9 were set up so that was a pretty obvious path with me at the exit of 9 and Gidget managed that no problem. 

Courses with lots of tunnels are fun, unfortunately I don't plan on trying any organizations with tunnelers classes anytime soon.  The holiday party tunnelers courses should be fun this year!  Happy agility!

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