Exc A STD was up first, it was fun and Gidget ran very nicely... until that darn chute. I so thought she was going to take it this time too! She's been doing so well at home and at class with the chute. Oh well, the rest of the run was great! Her teeter performance was the best it's been in a while and she didn't hesitate to get on the table (though she did spend the whole 5 seconds on the table sniffing it). Someday we'll get an Exc A STD Q. Here's the video:
Exc A JWW was up next. Gidget just needs 1 more Q to move on to Exc B, but it wasn't to be this time. She seemed a little more nervous before this run than she had for our STD run. It was a lot more crowded by this ring. She was a little slower than earlier, but not horribly so. I tried to rear cross the weaves, not sure if this caused an issue or the fact that she was weaving toward the other ring (ring crew was setting bars in that ring, no dog running as you can see in the video). After that we ran nicely until Gidget ran around a jump, but fixed that and ended together. Not a bad run overall, we'll do better next time! Here's the video:
Gracie came with us to this trial to help her get used to new environments. It was a little too crowded for me to comfortably do too much work with her, but we did get her outside with Gidget and my mom's dog Slammer. Gracie actually pottied outside! She'd also get upset if Gidget, Slammer and my mom got too far ahead of her. So I think having familiar faces around is a definite plus for her. At the end of the day when the vast majority of dogs had left, I was able to catch both of the judges to get both of Gracie's official messurements. That way when Gracie does start running AKC we don't have that to worry about, just focus on our runs. She was a really good girl the whole day. I can't wait for our second trial attempt in Feb. Happy agility!