Thursday, April 28, 2011

Last Night at Classes

Gidget had a jumpers class last night.  We worked on 270s (2 jumps in a V shape where the dogs jump from the inside of the V to the outside, around the 270 degree angle and jump back into the V).  We started with the jumps really close together, they were wing jumps so there was some space between them but the dogs weren't supposed to be able to get through.  We worked the jumps with post turns and front crosses.  Our first turn up to practice post turns, Gidget managed to find the little gap between the jumps and squeeze through!  She did this 2 or 3 times!  I realized I needed to work on supporting her path, but still, what a little stinker!  The post turns are a lot harder to do than the front crosses.  With a front cross you turn toward your dog so it's easy to support their path, you automatically face that direction.  For a post turn your turning with the dog and if you turn too past the dog's path doesn't get supported at all and they'll come inbetween the jumps.  We figured it out though and managed the rest of the exercises just fine.  We did a mini course with the 2 jumps, a tunnel, and a dog walk which was a nice challenge.

Nothing much new to report from Gracie's class.  We were still working on getting 2 sets of 2x2's straight and together.  Most of the class is struggling with this but Gracie and I have got it down so it's a little frustrating that we don't get to move ahead.  It is nice learn what challenges other handlers may go through.  From working with itty bitty dogs to dogs that are very nervous and have a hard time getting used to new things like the weave poles.  There are so many factors that you have to take into account just to teach weaving.  Our instructor was nitpicking on Gracie and I since we were doing so well.  I still need to work on my treat throw timing and aim and I need to remember to have treats ready in my throwing hand.  If I fumble with treats while Gracie's weaving or if I'm slow on throwing the treat, she looks at me and starts to turn towards me which is not what we want.  When Gracie's weaving that's all she should be focused on and, for now, she should always run straight out of the weaves without checking in with me.  I'm getting better though.  Happy agility!

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